Hiking can be physically demanding on the body depending on the person’s age and the weight they are carrying. Most people think that in order to be able to hike, you need to be very fit. However, the truth is that since the last two decades, the materials used to make the products required by backpackers have severely reduced the weight a person has to carry when backpacking in the great outdoors.
So, how does one hike ultralight? There is no predefined definition of the term ultralight. It is more of a personal opinion and point of view on what ultralight means to the person who is looking to lose the unnecessary weight in order to hike ultralight. The average combined weight of a single hiker’s gear nowadays is around 5.5 to 13 KG depending on how much they decide that they need. It is definitely possible to survive on even less; however, it also means that you, the hiker, need to use your own discernment, knowledge & experience to survive on the hiking trail.
We at Novapro Sport’s recommend that you only take less gear when you have had ample of experience hiking as you are less likely to make mistakes than when compared to someone who is hiking for the first time.
I. Quick tips
If you are someone who is looking to quickly reduce their hiking gear weight but don’t want to read through an in-depth guide, this is for you (and other readers alike):
- Find the weight of your gear: Using a luggage scale, weigh your current gear and note it down. Make sure that you note down your current base weight. For those of you who don’t know what base weight is: It is the total weight of your entire gear kit without including any consumable items such as food, water, fuel, etc. You can further use the weight of each item to see which item can be replaced which brings us to our next point.
- Replace your older gear with newer gear: As more and more progress is made in the camping/hiking industry using newer materials, the weight of items has gradually decreased. So when you are going to buy a new item to replace the older one, pay attention to the weight to ensure that you are getting something lighter. We want to ensure that our base weight is around 5 KG when we are done as it’ll most likely double when we add consumables to it. However, not everyone can avoid newer gear which can be even more expensive bringing us to our next point.
- Don’t make sudden changes if you can’t afford it, make it gradual: If you can’t afford to replace your whole gear kit, it is best to make changes slowly. You could pick out the most heavyweight item on your list and replace it with its lighter counterpart. You are most likely to see a difference this way and not feel overwhelmed at the same time. Another thing you can do is to make your own gear, transitioning us to our next point.
- Making your own gear is great but there is a catch: If you have the skills, you can go ahead and create your own gear as many people. It is an awesome way to cut weight while saving money; however, it is important to remember that although self-made gear may be ultralight, it may not be as durable or comfortable to use as compared to conventional gear.
If you are someone new and are unsure of all the items, you’ll need or tend to forget and require a checklist then have a look at our Ultimate Camping Checklist.
II. Hiking Ultralight With The Big Four Gear
For those of you who don’t know, the big four refers to the four largest/most important items carried by hikers: Pack, Shelter, Sleeping Bag, and Sleeping Mat.
1. Pack
Image courtesy of Oregon Live
An ultralight backpack is typically similar to a traditional backpack. Both have a large compartment that stores most of your gear, a few small pockets where you keep items that can be easily accessed, a hip belt and shoulder straps that help you to carry the weight, and lastly a frame to give the backpack structure and comfort.
The main differences between ultralight backpacks and traditional backpacks lie in the lightweight materials that ultralight backpacks are constructed with, the minimal frames they utilize, the lower volume of items they can carry, and a relatively simple design. Now some of these may be sounding bad in your head but it honestly depends on your needs and wants. If you are not going to be carrying bulky camping gear, you don’t need a backpack that can hold 70 liters, built with heavy fabric, and a thick frame to support it.
Savvy ultralight backpackers choose frameless, minimally padded 45-L to 55-L backpacks (sometimes even lighter) to ensure that they are carrying the most minimal amount of weight.
A lightweight pack can lead to huge savings in terms of weight which your body will thank you for; however, be prepared to carry a smaller amount of gear and have less volume. If you want more support, don’t pick a backpack with a frameless design instead choose a pack with a lightweight frame structure as it’ll ensure the pack stays really light while not sacrificing support. If you are concerned about storage space stick to a pack with a higher volume, we recommend the Hiking Backpack Lightweight 55L - Green which falls in the threshold of 40-60L backpacks which are common in lightweight long-distance backpackers. It’s important to remember that ultralight backpacks are generally less durable than traditional style packs but treat it well and it’ll definitely last you a long time.
Hiking Backpack Lightweight 55L - Green
When you make the switch, you’ll realize how much weight you have reduced and will most definitely enjoy your new ultralight backpack. To see our collection of ultralight backpacks, head down here.
2. Shelter

The shelter you bring along with you will probably be one of the most important items in your overall gear kit. A shelter is a great place to start when you are looking to shed off a few kilograms of weight from your hiking gear. A traditional hiking tent generally weighs around 2 - 3.5 KGs and is built for ease and comfort. However, traditional hiking tents generally contain unnecessary extra accessories that you don’t need.
With ultralight shelter options, a hiker is able to choose between many options nowadays to create a comfortable shelter for themselves which can weigh around 1 - 1.5 KGs depending on what shelter choice they go for and the number of people per piece of gear. Ultralight shelters reduce their overall weight through their design, simplicity and high-tech waterproof materials.
When picking a shelter for yourself, you need to remember what your priorities are in terms of weight, cost, comfort, and flexibility. You have quite a lot of options to choose from such as:
- Tents: If you are someone who is not willing to sacrifice on the comfort of a tent, then a full-mesh ultralight tent is the best option for you. These tents use pole structures remain upright and are usually very easy to assemble. Ultralight tents are comfortable and good in nasty weather conditions. Their disadvantage lies in weight, cost, and size. These tents generally have a good amount of tentpole weight as they are usually freestanding. We won’t go into extreme detail here regarding what kind of hiking tent you should get for yourself as we have already covered that in a prior blog post titled “Choosing The Right Hiking Tent” which we recommend you to read before you make a choice. If you are looking for our recommendation, we recommend the Illumina X Hiking Tent Ultralight 1.35KG 1-2 Person which is also one of our best-sellers and a favorite among ultralight hikers. If you are looking for something bigger but in the ultralight spectrum, then we recommend you to check out our collection of ultralight tents.
Illumina X Hiking Tent Ultralight 1.55KG 1-2 Person
Tarps & Bivy Sacks: A very popular options among ultralight hikers, tarp, and bivy sack shelters can result in extremely light shelters some of which weigh around 0.3 KGs (sometimes even less) and are also quite affordable. The combination of a tarp and bivy sack further provides you with greater flexibility when it comes to setting your shelter. In nasty weather conditions, the tarp can be pulled down low to provide protection while in nice weather conditions it can be left open to provide amazing an amazing view and ventilation.
Learning to use a tarp effectively requires time and practice but with a little effort and experience, you can definitely become a pro. People who have more experience hiking and enjoy being close to nature are generally the ones that opt for the tarp and bivy shelters. The downside of this is that the closer you get to nature, the harder it is for you to get away from it. So make sure that you store your food properly and bring bug repellent along. If you are looking to get yourself a tarp, check out our tarp collection here.
3-In-1 Multifunctional Hiking Poncho – Raincoat, Mat, Shelter
- Ultralight Hammocks: This shelter option has been slowly gaining more popularity over the past few years and is usually paired with a bug net and a tarp to provide protection from bugs and rain. People who like sleeping in hammocks generally prefer to hike and camp with them as well and what’s great is that with hammocks, you don’t have to worry about rocks and roots. However, in order to make hammocks work while hiking you need to find good trees to set up your hammock. Furthermore, your backside won’t be insulated so it can tend to get chilly at nights. Lastly, hammocks might be heavier than other ultralight options because they need to be strong enough to hold a substantial amount of weight. If you love hammocks, you may still enjoy sleeping in one while hiking.

3. Sleeping Bag
Sleeping bags work to keep you warm by creating a protected space where air flow is reduced and by trapping body heat. The loft and insulation of a sleeping bag determine the amount of body heat your bag will hold. The higher the amount of loft and insulation in a sleeping bag, the warmer it is going to be.
Compact Ultralight Sleeping Bag Naturehike 0.72kg - Sky Blue
Sleeping bags have temperature ratings that tell you what kind of temperature the sleeping bags are designed for. It’s not an exact measurement but more of an estimation. It is safe to say that a sleeping bag rated to 4-degree Celsius will generally keep you warmer than a sleeping bag rated at 2-degree Celsius. However, due to the increased loft and insulation in the prior sleeping bag, it’ll also be heavier. Thus, choosing a sleeping bag with a temperature rating that fits the weather conditions you’ll be hiking under is the best way to save on weight and also increase comfort for yourself as sleeping bags with a higher threshold will make you sweat more during the summer due to increased loft and insulation.
Plus, you can always wear extra clothing if you feel chilly rather than carry the extra amount of weight with you. Another thing to remember when you get yourself a sleeping bag is whether you are a cold or hot sleeper, men, in general, tend to sleep in warmer temperatures than women, so choose a sleeping bag with a higher temperature rating.
One of the major things to remember when choosing a sleeping bag is the choice between down and synthetic sleeping bags.
ULG Mummy Goose Sleeping Bag (Down) vs. Compact Ultralight Sleeping Bag 0.72 Kg (Synthetic)
The weight savings you get from a sleeping bag with a down build are significant. A down bag of the same cut and temperature rating will weight significantly less than a synthetic sleeping bag. Down sleeping bags also have the most warmth per gram and tend to compress more easily giving you more space. However, down sleeping bags are also more expensive.
Synthetic sleeping bags do keep your body warmer when wet but let’s be real here, you are going to be miserable sleeping in a down or synthetic sleeping bag if you are wet at all. Furthermore, down sleeping bags have a longer lifespan when compared to synthetic sleeping bags.
Another point to note when choosing a sleeping bag is its fitting. Slimmer sleeping bags have fewer materials and thus less space to keep warm inside your bag. Due to this, they tend to save more weight and get warmer quickly. Modern sleeping bags are mummy-shaped to cut down on unnecessary material and create a more efficient system to maximize warmth.
If you are overwhelmed by the number of choices and want to view a collection before making your choice, you can view our collection of sleeping bags here.
4. Sleeping Mats
A sleeping mat is another key component when it comes to your sleeping system in the wilderness. Other than cushioning your body from the rocks and roots, they also help in insulating your body from the cold ground. Thicker sleeping mats generally offer more comfort and insulate your body better. Lightweight sleeping mats generally come in two forms: air-filled and foam.
Standard Ultralight TPU Sleeping Mats
Air-filled sleeping mats are generally considered to be more comfortable than their foam counterparts. Both air-filled and foam-filled sleeping mats come in lightweight models; so, at the end of the day, your choice comes down to comfort vs. cost. Air-filled mats are easier to pack, quite thick when blown up, give you the ability to adjust its firmness, and provide good insulation. However, they are more expensive and can puncture. It’s a good practice to bring along a repair kit as a backup in case something goes wrong.
Foam-filled sleeping mats are also very light but more cost-effective than their air-filled mat counterparts and they don’t puncture either. Foam-filled sleeping mats are convenient as they don’t need to be blown up with air in order to use and are often used by ultralight hikers to add structure to their backpack frames. However, they tend to be bulkier and compress over time thus losing their thickness. At one point, they become so thin that they eventually need to be replaced.
Most campers, still prefer air-filled sleeping mats due to the added comfort which foam filled sleeping mats do not provide. If you are unsure what sleeping mat size fits your body or what type of sleeping mat you want, check out our sleeping mat collection here.
III. Water, Fuel, and Food
After big four are all done and dealt with, these are the next items on the list. A good hiker knows how much of these things he/she needs and only carries enough to last him the hike. Any extra will add to the weight while any less will ruin the trip
1. Water
Water can be an annoying dilemma for hikers. On one hand, you need the water to survive the hike and is one of the most important things you’ll carry with you. On the other hand, water is one of the heaviest items you carry with you. It is very important that you know to learn your route well to ensure that you know where the next water source is and how much you need to be carrying in order to survive. However, water sources can dry so it is always a good habit to carry extra water with you and the peace of mind is worth the weight.
Staying well-hydrated will help regulate your body temperature and prevent you from getting injured. It’s a good idea to drink lots of water when you arrive at a water source, that way you don’t have to carry a lot of water with you and will have a higher chance of remaining hydrated.

Water purification is a personal choice. Some hikers choose to drink directly from the streams without purifying it. However, we are Novapro Sports recommend you to purify all drinking water and for good reason too. Proper hygiene is another important part when it comes to staying healthy. Often than not, people get sick and blame it on the water when the reality is that their own hands were probably dirty when they ate food. Be sure to wash your hands before consuming anything or after toilet breaks.
There are three main ultralight water filtration options: Water filters, UV light treatments, and chemical treatments. Your water purification method is up to you to choose, each one has its own pros and cons:
- Water Filters: Water filters are further divided into three more categories, namely: gravity filters, pump filters, and squeeze filters. All of these work by taking the water from the source, filtering out any harmful microorganisms and give clean water that backpackers can consume immediately. Hand pump filters are common and a favourite among hikers although they require a bit of pumping which can get tedious in large groups. Squeeze filters are similar to hand pumps but instead of pumping the water through the filter, it is squeezed instead. It is lighter than hand pumps and provides more flexibility. A gravity filter works by filling the bag up with water and letting it hang upside down. The water flows automatically through the filter and out, thus making it very convenient for large groups.
Pros |
Cons |
1. You get clean water immediately |
1. Some can be bulky and heavy |
2. Most are lightweight |
2. Can be expensive depending on the type of filter |
3. Easy to use |
3. Pumping/squeezing is required |
4. Quick (Depending on the type) |
4. Maintenance is required |
5. Cost-effective as more time passes |
6. No chemicals |

Image courtesy of The Adventure Junkies
- UV Light Purifiers: These purifiers work by blasting microbes into your water using UV light, which will neutralize the harmful microorganisms in the water and allow you to drink it safely just after a couple of minutes.
Pros |
Cons |
1. Quick |
1. Expensive |
2. Convenient |
2. Batteries are expensive |
3. Easy to use |
3. Batteries are hard to replace |
4. Lighter than most filters |
4. Drains the batteries quickly |
5. No chemicals |
Image courtesy of Trail Journals
- Chemical Treatment: This is the lightest option for backpackers out there. If you are looking to go ultralight, then chemical treatment is the route to go. Chemical treatment works by putting pills or liquid directly into the water you’ll be drinking which then kills off any harmful organisms living inc the water. Two of the most common choices are Iodine and Chlorine Dioxide.
Pros |
Cons |
1. Extremely light |
1. You’ll be putting chemicals in your body |
2. Easy to use |
2. Chemical taste |
3. Low initial cost |
3. Need to wait (30 minutes - 4 hours) |
4. Compact |
5. Continue hiking while it works |
Image courtesy of Cloudline Apparel
2. Pots and Fuel
Eating a warm meal at the end of the day after a long hike can be the highlight of your day and with lightweight cooking options, this is entirely possible. Most ultralight pot options only weigh a few grams and are well worth the investment. Most hikers don’t cook food as much as they rehydrate as it is considered too much of a chore. If it takes more effort than boiling water and pouring it into a bag, it’s generally considered too much work. You’ll only need to bring a few items along while hiking to cook your meals such as:
- Lightweight Pot
Camping Pot for Lightweight Hiking
- Cook pot
Camping Cooking Set Pots - 4Pcs
- Small hiking cup
Image courtesy of Aliexpress
- Hiking Cutlery: Titanium pots are the lightest out of the others but more expensive as well. Plastic trail cups, on the other hand, are lightweight as well as cheaper. There are several ultralight stove options to choose from with each one having its own pro and con:
- Canister Stoves (LPG): LPG gas stoves are the most common stoves among ultralight hikers. They are also considered to be the easiest to use among hikers. You simply screw your canister into a liquefied gas canister and then light it up for a quick meal.
Pros |
Cons |
1. Easy to use |
1. Expensive compared to the other options |
2. Convenient |
2. Slightly heavier than other options |
3. Quick |
3. Not amazing in cold weather |
4. Burn Clean |
4. Cost of fuel over time |
5. Works well at high altitudes |
5. Hard to find fuel |
6. Canister is not reusable |
Ultralight Foldable Gas Burner
- Alcohol Stoves: Being a very light and cheap option, alcohol stoves are a famous option among ultralight hikers. To use an alcohol stove, all you need to do is pour denatured alcohol or heat into your stove and light it up. The stove will continue to burn until all the fuel burns up. Alcohol stoves are very lightweight and weigh less than 30 grams. They are also easy to resupply as most gas station carry Heet.
Pros |
Cons |
1. Light |
1. More dangerous |
2. Cheap |
2. Cooks more slowly |
3. Burn Clean |
3. Wind affects it |
4. Burn Quitely |
4. May or may not work in cold weather |
5. Easy to resupply |
6. Can make one yourself |
Image courtesy of SectionHiker
- Wood Stoves: Another option that is becoming more famous among ultralight hikers is a wood stove. It’s the same concept as cooking over a campfire but with a wood stove, it becomes much easier to do so. Wood stoves tend to be heavier than other stoves; however, there are lightweight options as well. Another fact to note is that wood stoves don’t have any fuel weight as they make use of their surroundings for fuel. If you are someone who likes to cook more than rehydrating than a wood stove is a good option for you. You do not have to worry about fuel usage and you can control the temperature by adding more or less fuel.
Pros |
Cons |
1. No fuel weight |
1. Slower cook times |
2. No fuel cost |
2. Not as convenient |
3. More cooking control |
3. Takes practice to get used to |
4. Affected by wind |
5. Blackens your pot |
6. Wet weather can affect fuel (wood) |
Image courtesy of Richtweets
- Esbit Stoves (Solid Fuel): These are probably lightest cooking option among all the four options. To cook using an Esbit, you simply have to bring along a fuel tab and a stand out when on the hike. Crack open the esbit container, light it on fire, place it on the stove, and voila! The esbit fuel tab will burn for about 10-12 minutes giving you plenty of heat to cook a simple hiking meal.
Pros |
Cons |
1. Extremely Light |
1. Slow Cook Times |
2. Convenient |
2. Affected by the wind |
3. Easy to use |
3. Cost of fuel over time |
4. Works well almost anywhere |
4. Hard to find in small towns |
5. Residue at the bottom of your pot |
Image courtesy of SectionHiker
3. Food
Food is a very personal thing for everyone. What you bring will probably be based on your personal preferences. Keeping your food weight down is a critical skill that you’ll only develop through experience. For a start, you should plan on bringing enough food that’ll give 3,000 to 4,000 calories per day. However, this is dependent on how many miles you cover per day and how strenuous the hike elevation was. In order to go lightweight, you need to calculate the number of calories you are gaining per gram of food. This may seem too much of work but trust me, it’ll greatly reduce the amount of food you carry with you. All you have to do to calculate the calories per gram is to divide the total calories on the back fo the food with the total weight of the food on the packaging.
Foods like nuts, peanut butter, and chocolates are very high in calories compared to foods like fresh fruit and vegetables. This clearly shows you that your diet won’t be a balanced one if you just choose food with a large number of calories. The aim of calculating the calorie per gram is so that you carry food which gives you the best amount of energy and nutrition as well as taste.
The amount of difficulty you’ll go through in preparing your food is another thing you have to take into consideration. As mentioned above, if your food is going to take more than boiling water and pouring it into a water, it is generally not worth it. So choose meals that have a minimal amount of cook times. How many meals is another question that needs answering because if you are someone who likes to have a warm breakfast, then you are going to be spending a lot of time while camping and using a lot more fuel as well. Hikers, in general, want to cover a lot of distance so they get up as early as possible and start hiking early which won’t happen if you stop to cook a warm breakfast. They make camp early in the evening to get an ample amount of rest before starting off early again the next day and hiking is also the quickest way to get warm.
If you are unsure and need guidance when it comes to meal plans to follow when hiking then here are a few camping recipes from us:
IV. Essential Items
It is important to remember that even though we are trying to pack ultralight. We should not skip on essential items at the expense of our own safety. If you are hiking for the first trip, it can feel like bringing a bit of extra in everything is better whether its a bit of extra food, extra clothing or other supplies. However, all these little things can add up and become a burden making your hike less comfortable. An ultralight hiker needs to strike the right amount of balance between safety and comfort, this only comes with experience but it’s not to say that we can’t provide you with tips. Here are the 10 ultralight hiking essentials which you should always have with you:
Map, Whistle & Compass: A map and compass can help you get back on track if you get lost while a whistle is essential in case you get into trouble. These are all extremely light tools and the benefits they provide are far greater. A GPS unit can help you as well but it's important to remember that it can run out of battery so learn to use a map and compass.
Extra Food: Knowing how much food you need on a hike requires you to have experience in hiking so until you get used to it, carry some extra snacks with you. If you run out of food, don’t panic. Water and shelter are more important to survive. Focus on finishing your hike as quickly as possible.
Extra Water and Purification: Always purify your water before you consume it, there is no need to get yourself sick unnecessarily. You’ll need to ensure that you pack extra water when you go hiking the first time and fill up your water bottles at every water source.
Extra Clothing: Before you go hiking, make sure you check the weather forecast and package extra clothing to expect for chillier weather than what has been forecast.
Lightweight Shelter: A shelter is very important to your survival in harsh weather conditions. Ensure that everyone in your group has a shelter of their own in case one of you gets lost.
Waterproof matches, small lighter & firestarter: Fire can be your lifesaver in more than one situations. It’s good to provide you with warmth, signalling, cooking and water purification. A firestarter works great in all weather conditions. Matches and a small lighter don’t weigh much either.
Pocket Knife or Multi-Tool: A knife is a very useful tool and you should have one on every trip. Consider investing in a lightweight knife to cut down on weight. A multi-tool may be sort of overkill but there are a few useful ones that can come in handy, avoid getting one unless necessary.
Multifunction Camping Mallet Hammer – Blue
Sunglasses, Sunscreen & Lip Balm: Sun protection is an absolute must in the wild. Snow blindness and sunburns can be hazardous to your safety.
Headlamp & Small LED Backup: You’ll be using a headlamp almost every day throughout your hike for a variety of reasons, it’s essential you have one with you at all times. As a backup, carry a small LED light with you which can be as small as a key chain.
- First Aid Kit: Never ever go hiking without a FULL first aid kit, especially if this is your first time hiking. A first aid kit is essential for your well-being and knowing how to use it in a variety of emergency situations is another. This doesn’t mean that you bring a large bulky first aid kit with you while hiking, that is not ultralight at all. Experience, training, and knowledge will you give the confidence and skills that you need to deal with emergency situations. We recommend that you take an introductory first aid course which can come in handy during an emergency situation. You can make your own first-aid kit with items that you think are essential or get pre-made first aid kits and customize them according to your needs.
V. Clothing Gear
We won’t go into much detail regarding this as clothing will vary slightly depending on the backpacking trip you are preparing for. There are several factors that you need to look into when picking the clothes for your hiking trip such as hiking conditions, what the season is, weather forecast and elevation. Clothing choices are often overlooked and can result in you being over packed. It is an important area where you can save quite a substantial amount of weight if you pay attention.
When choosing to clothe yourself, pay close attention to quick-drying synthetics. These perform extremely well under most weather conditions especially when it's wet. Pack with layers in mind, this means that pack clothing in a way that you can wear more if you feel chilly or take some layers off if you feel hot. The general rule of thumb is to not pack the same clothing type twice that is pack only one half-sleeve t-shirt, one full sleeve t-shirt, one jacket, etc.
It is important to remember that you don’t need a ton of clothing to stay clean in the wilderness. Pack things that you need, make you feel comfortable and make you look good. Trust us, you’ll be glad that you did. Clothing is a personal choice for everyone so choose what makes you happy just keep it to a minimum.
VI. Footwear & Trekking Poles
When it comes to saving energy, choosing a lightweight footwear is one of the most important decisions that you can make. Carrying unnecessary weight on your weight is going to cost you 4-6 times more in terms of energy consumption in comparison to the weight that you carry on your back. Switching to lightweight footwear allows you to hike more miles, makes your legs feel great and completely eliminates blisters from your hiking trips.
Boots are a bad choice of footwear when it comes to hiking. Instead, you should invest in some running shoes or trail runners which are excellent for lightweight hikers. Going ultralight means you won’t be carrying a huge backpack so the extra ankle support you get from a boot is not necessary. Furthermore, boots are expensive and take longer to get used to. Even after you get used to your heavy boots, they’ll still cause you painful blisters because boots don’t provide your feet with breathing space. Even in dry weather, boots are painful because your feet get wet due to the sweat as boots don’t breathe well and if they get wet, they are going to take a long time to dry off.
Trekking poles can be very handy to some people who are hiking and can help in easing knee pain in an area with a steep uphill and downhill elevation. They can further be used to increase your balance when crossing snowfields, streams, or on loose gravel. Furthermore, you can use trekking poles to support your ultralight shelters which can reduce tent pole weight.
However, trekking poles have their downsides as well such as breaking when they are put under a lot of weight or when they get stuck between rocks. Trekking poles also make you use more energy contrary to what people believe; however, hikers feel that the comfort they gain is well worth the energy spent. You may even end up experiencing hand blisters and arm fatigue when you are getting used to them.
Generally, you don’t need trekking poles unless you are quite old and have issues balancing yourself. If that is the case then go ahead and get yourself one, if you want one either ways then knock yourself out.
Lightweight Adjustable Trail Trekking Pole – Men's
Hiking ultralight is a chore of its own but very exciting experience. It helps you understand how much you truly need in order to survive in the wild. If you want to learn your own limits and test yourself, hiking ultralight is the way to go.
These are our tips for you to hike ultralight, leave a comment down below telling us your tips on how to hike ultralight or anything essential we missed out on. Additionally, subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date with the latest quality camping, hiking & outdoor gears at low prices and amazing discounts. Follow us on our Facebook to be the first to know of good news and new goods instantly.
Novapro Sports is an online platform that caters towards camping & hiking outdoor enthusiasts, offering quality camping & hiking gears at low prices without the unnecessarily high markups, and providing information & tips on outdoor activities & adventures.