About Novaprosports

Headquartered in Somerton, VIC, Australia, Novapro Sports is an Online Outdoor Camping Store that strives to help today’s outdoor adventurers and enthusiasts acquire quality gear at amazing value & great quality. Specialising in hiking tents, ultralight tents, sleeping bags, outdoor camping gear and accessories, Novapro Sports aim to strike the balance between High Quality Products and Value.
Our warehouse is based in Somerton, Australia. However, it is not open to the public. All in Stocks product are ready to ship from our Australia warehouse.
We are your less conventional outdoor camping company stocking selected high quality value hiking tents and outdoor camping products for our customers. We also specialise towards hiking tents and ultralight tents (tents weighing below 2kg) as we feel that many large outdoor camping retail stores are either offering good quality ultralight tents at very high prices that costs a bomb or very cheap budget tents made from very low quality materials that weigh like a bomb (pun intended!). We aim to fill the gap for our customers by offering a combination of high quality products at affordable prices.
We constantly work to improve our processes and efficiencies, contracts with manufacturers etc to pass on our prices to customers. After all, it's not just pure profit we are seeking. We are also seeking to provide a great service to our customers and a service for sourcing great quality tents they would otherwise be unable to find elsewhere in Australia.
We also pride our existence in the market as an ethical and honest company who really cares for our customers. We are an Australian company that honours the Australian consumer law, and strive to sell products that our customers will love. Your spending to our company goes back locally as we pay our taxes to the tax office, and we use local employees to service your orders which in turn goes back into the Australian economy and to you. This is the difference of supporting local companies versus buying from overseas marketplaces.
We take feedbacks from customers seriously and we listen closely. We believe this is the way we can improve our services and product offerings. There are times when products are not satisfying enough to our customers, and we will aim to improve it or discontinue these and replace them with much better products - all from our own quality tests and customer feedbacks. In a way, this makes us a part of our outdoor camping community, supplying great products for our great outdoor camping community. This also ensures that what you're buying from us is of great quality and value. We don't stock a large range of products like large retail chains, but we are selective to ensure what we stock is great!
We are also the authorised dealer in Australia for Naturehike products.
“We age not by years, but by stories.”
At Novapro Sports, our passion for outdoor gear defines who we are and reflects what we do. We age not by years, but by stories. Stories of making customers happy, stories of offering the high quality products.
“We understand adventure like no one else.”
Our quality camping gear and accessories are specially selected and tested to ensure they fit into our criteria of giving our customers the experience of technology, quality and value.
We hope you have a great time shopping with us!